Who We Are
Our Mission
We follow Jesus and promote his kingdom on the Harbor as it is in Heaven.
We exist for the glory of God. Worship is not simply what we do on Sunday when we gather. Worship is the highest calling and purpose of all of humanity, and it is what we aim to do in all of our life (cf. 1 Cor. 10:31).
We worship God by being in a relationship him (cf. 2 Peter 1:3-4), which he has made possible through the reconciliation that comes through the gospel. We also worship God by representing his image in which we were created (cf. 2 Cor. 3:18).
The gospel is the good news that God has redeemed us from our slavery to sin and made us his people. Our sins have been forgiven because of the perfect sacrifice of Jesus. We have access to God our Father because of Jesus’ mediation.
The gospel is not a once-and-done reality. It is not just a ticket out of hell. The gospel is the foundation on which we stand (cf. 1 Cor. 15:1). We need the grace of God daily and therefore we seek to apply the truths of the gospel to all of life. Our sermons, worship, studies, gatherings, fellowship, etc. are to be fueled by the gospel of God’s grace and forgiveness.
One of the results of our salvation is that we are brought into something bigger than ourselves. When we are saved we are transferred into the kingdom of God’s beloved Son (cf. Col. 1:13). We are made part of a people that we didn’t used to belong to (cf. Eph. 2:11-22; 1 Pet. 2:10).
Each individual in the church is dependent on the gifts and the edification of the church corporately. God’s grace is dispensed by the Spirit through the use of the gifts of each member in benefit of the church; the body of Christ (cf. 1 Cor. 12-14; 1 Pet. 4:10-11).
We need each other. Christian life is not meant to be lived in isolation but in community.
People who realize their daily need for the gospel and for the community that the gospel brings us into are people who are sensitive to the need that those outside of God’s kingdom have for the same good news of forgiveness from sin, a relationship with God and with God’s community.
In the gospel, we are saved from our sin and brought into a kingdom so that we would worship the king and proclaim the excellencies of our King to a world in desperate need of a King (1 Pet. 2:9).
Sunday Gathering
As a church we gather together every Sunday to publicly worship God, to be fed by the exposition of God’s word, and to partake of the sacraments instituted by our Lord Jesus. This is a time for God’s name to be magnified, the church to be encouraged and fed by the truths of the gospel and the worship of God.
It is also a time for members, visitors, unbelievers, and even angels and heavenly beings to see the glory of God displayed by the power of his Holy Spirit, as he is present in the midst of his people, the church; of which Christ is the head.
Gospel Communities
Church is not just a day of the week or a building but a people who have been adopted into God’s family. One way to live out this reality is through Gospel Communities (GC). GC are smaller expressions of our church. GC meet regularly to break bread (eat together), pray, build one another up through our spiritual gifts, strategize about mission, be trained, and grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
DNA groups
DNA groups are made up of 3 to 4 people (men with men and women with women) who meet together regularly to disciple each other, encourage one another (1 Thess. 5:11), bear one another’s burdens (Gal. 6:2), exhort one another (Heb. 3:13), etc. This is accomplished by Discovering the truths of the gospel in the Scriptures, Nurturing one another with the truths found, and helping each other to take Action in obeying what Jesus has commanded us.
Bible Saturation
We are passionate about knowing God through the written revelation of himself in the Holy Scriptures and orienting our lives around his Word.
Gospel Centeredness
Looking to Jesus and to what God has done through his life, death, resurrection, ascension, and sending of his Spirit, is the key to transformed living.
Spirit Dependence
The empowering presence of the Holy Spirit and the gifts he gives must be pursued for effective ministry.
Expositional Preaching
It is through the word of God that the Holy Spirit convicts, converts, builds up, and sanctifies God’s people. Therefore, we aim to understand the main points of a text within the context of that book and within the larger framework of the biblical story of redemption and make the thrust of the sermon the same as that of the text.
Discipleship in All of Life
All believers are called to grow as disciples by bringing every area of life into submission to King Jesus and leading others to do the same.
Community Commitment
Discipleship should take place in the context of a committed local community of believers.
Missional Mindset
Every member of the church is called to the mission of reaching the lost and making disciples, living as missionaries in our local community as well as sending missionaries to regions beyond.
Our sovereign God works through the prayers of his people and his church must be committed to fervent individual and corporate prayer in order to experience God-glorifying growth.
Cultural Engagement
As missionaries to our community, we are called to bring the Scriptures to bear on the issues of our culture and to serve those around us in such a way that demands a gospel-explanation.
Grace and Forgiveness
The church is called to be a community of grace and forgiveness, to one another and to outsiders, in which broken and hurting people can find truth, hope, and healing.
The truth matters and the local church must be a family that upholds doctrinal clarity, speaks the truth in love, and helps each other fight against sin and live in daily repentance and faith.
God is the all-satisfying one, and ultimate joy is found in living for his glory. Whether in worshiping him through song or in the everyday rhythms of life (especially in suffering), those who live for him should be a joy-filled people.