Our plans for the COVID-19 outbreak
Sunday Gathering
We are meeting every Sunday at 4:00 PM via Zoom. Email kaleograysharbor@gmail.com if you want to receive an invitation to join the Zoom meeting.
Missional Communities/Church Wide Training.
We cannot meet in person but we can continue to live as a community of people who are on mission. We will meet trough Zoom for our biweekly catechism training. Email kaleograysharbor@gmail.com if you want to receive an invitation to join the Zoom meeting. Our Missional Community leaders will be reaching out to their groups with more info about ways we can continue to live as a family and serve our community.
DNA groups
Our DNA groups will meet virtually through zoom.us and other similar means. Please contact your MC leader or one of our elders if you are not a part of a DNA group and would like to be in one.