What is the Kaleo Student Cohort?
The Student Cohort is a learning environment that provides training in discipleship designed to develop and promote each participant’s growth in the gospel, through biblical and theological instruction, the cultivation of devotional practices, and the development of their spiritual gifts—all in the context of community and mission.
Why is it called a cohort?
In ancient times, a cohort was a Roman military unit. The term has also come to refer to any group of people banded together, or specifically to a group of warriors or soldiers. Our cohort is a group of students banded together by the gospel to be equipped as spiritual warriors for the glory of God.
For what age group is the cohort designed?
Students ages 11–18 (Grades 6th–12th)
What is our three-fold purpose?
To lead each student to love God with their whole being.
To cultivate within each participant a love for the Family of God (the Church).
To equip each student to serve the Church and to extend the reign and rule of Christ to every sphere and vocation by making disciples wherever the Spirit sends them.
How do we seek to accomplish this purpose?
With a focus on Head, Heart, and Hands.
Head: Training students to know what they believe, why they believe it, and how to explain and defend it.
Heart: Cultivating devotional practices and Spirit-dependence.
Hands: Leading students to discover and use their gifts in the context of the local church and mission field.
Twice-a-month Sunday sessions
On the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month at 2:45 pm.
Family gatherings
Apart from our Sunday sessions, we gather in homes once a quarter. These gathering involve dinner, special teaching, and time for fun and games. The goal is to give different families the opportunity to host these monthly dinners and for students to hang out in a family setting.
Contact Sam Lichty for more info: lastoftheseven@yahoo.com